Defending Against Misdirection Shots
2m 1s
Misdirection shots are advanced shots that are not often used by the average pickleball player. However, every now and then you may come across a player that uses the misdirection shot more often than as a “dessert.” To defend against misdirection shots, it is important to first and foremost recognize patterns of play and discern what types of shots your opponents are using and in what situations. Also, look for tells by your opponents or clues in your opponents’ setup for shots to detect certain shots in certain circumstances. Anticipate your opponents’ shot and position yourself on the court in the direction that your opponents typically hit the pickleball.
Lastly, pay attention and really zone in on your opponents’ paddle angle and paddle swing, and the pickleball, at the point of contact. Your opponents’ paddle angle and paddle swing will most likely tell all!
Key Takeaways:
1. To defend against misdirection shots:
a. Learn your opponents’ patterns of play;
b. Look for clues or tells in your opponents’ setup for shots to detect the misdirection shot;
c. Anticipate your opponents’ misdirection shots when you see any clues or tells, and position yourself on the court in the direction that the misdirection shot will travel; and
d. Focus on the paddle swing, paddle angle, and the pickleball to anticipate where the pickleball will go.